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with wisdom

adv. in a wise manner; "she acted wisely when she invited her parents" [syn: wisely, sagely, showing wisdom] [ant: foolishly]

Usage examples of "with wisdom".

One who saw you as a raw but precious thing, a jewel that, with wisdom, could be polished to a proud shine?

Great is the difference between a godly man, illuminated with wisdom, and a scholar learned in knowledge and given to books.

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

A statement was made that injustice is stronger and more powerful than justice, but now justice, having been identified with wisdom and virtue, is easily shown to be stronger than injustice, if injustice is ignorance.

That kind of rebirth is not easy, but it can be accomplished, with luck, with love, and above all else with wisdom.

By Sigils I have endowed fools with wisdom, made the wise fools, giving health to the sick and weak, disease to the strong, etc.

Sometimes it had helped her in the past to imagine that she was talking to a friend, an advocate who could tell her the truth about her situation with wisdom and compassion.

King he now is, and only by thy power, here given and received, will he be raised up to rule with Wisdom over thy people.