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with speculation

adv. in a speculative manner; "he looked at her speculatively" [syn: speculatively]

Usage examples of "with speculation".

But they are all dealing with speculation just as the Zurich Axioms do.

So one problem with speculation is that it piggybacks on the Gell-Mann effect of unwarranted credibility, making speculation look more useful than it is.

The pale blue eyes were bright with speculation, and I realized suddenly what he was after.

When news came that he would again attend a meeting, the community buzzed with speculation.

There was an immediate uproar in the press, with speculation that Mrs.

He was always impatient with speculation on extraterrestrial motivation.

And, thank God, Finity had been able to make departure on the schedule they'd finally been able to set, while all Pell Station had to be buzzing with speculation regarding the delay that kept Finity in port-speculation that was no longer speculation as the news filtered through the station legal department and the rumor mill that Finity was recovering a long-lost crew member.

That had taken place the previous evening, and during the night the oasis had been awash with speculation about the reasons for such a request.

Lord Khumun was astonished--but a handful of the riders of swamp dragons watched them with speculation, and soon began taking their mounts up for short practice flights as well.

We refused to concern ourselves with speculation on moral and sentimental issues.

It is a scientific process, and there is no need whatsoever to answer questions with speculation when questions could be answered much more easily by continuing the research .