With Prejudice is a 1983 Australian film directed by Esben Storm about the three men arrested for the Sydney Hilton bombing.
The movie was shot over 18 days. Ebsen Storm says he argued with the producer over the film but he still liked the end result a lot, calling it "one of those tax scam movies that ended up not being too bad".
Usage examples of "with prejudice".
I feel not in my self those common Antipathies that I can discover in others: those National repugnances do not touch me, nor do I behold with prejudice the French, Italian, Spaniard, or Dutch: but where I find their actions in balance with my Countrymen's, I honour, love, and embrace them in the same degree.
However, as he thought about it, Norberto imagined that Jesus was probably disturbed and overwhelmed by a society polluted with prejudice and mistrust, violence and immorality, greed and discord.
Mach had consistently put her off, but never with prejudice, because she could make a lot of mischief if she chose.
More than half our time we operate with prejudice to some degree or another.
If there was an active brothel in Edinburgh, Watson wanted it shut down with prejudice.