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with politeness

adv. in a polite manner; "the policeman answered politely, `Now look here, lady...'" [syn: politely, courteously, with courtesy, in a well mannered way] [ant: impolitely, impolitely]

Usage examples of "with politeness".

Once more they were passed through with politeness, but this time a new honor guard was waiting for them.

The practice, therefore, of modern nations, of treating captive enemies with politeness and generosity, is not only delightful in contemplation, but really interesting to all the world, friends, foes, and neutrals.

Sinter had received her with politeness, a little cool at first, but as she had expanded upon her evidence, he had begun to burrow down with his questions, digging underneath her confusion to find the gems of evidence she herself had missed.

The emperor received with politeness these female deputies, whose wealth and dignity were displayed in the magnificence of their dress and ornaments: he admired their inflexible resolution of following their beloved pastor to the most distant regions of the earth.