adv. (context idiomatic English) With enthusiasm, as if embracing
Usage examples of "with open arms".
He didn't yet have any idea how closely this Afterlife matched the various versions he'd heard about or imagined on Earth, but it didn't make much difference: there weren't many of them that welcomed uxoricides with open arms.
There the French officers received them with open arms, and lavished upon them all the resources of their hospitality.
He'd put the last link into a bridge, then he'd cross that bridge and on the other side, with open arms, would be Connie.
They were at once recognised by both the curate and the bachelor, who came towards them with open arms.
I've told you what a fine woman my mother is, and how she'd welcome Elizabeth with open arms, and now I find I was all wrong.
Being received with open arms, he concerted with them his schemes of vengeance against his enemies.
Martuccio thanked her, and forthwith hied him with her to her house: where no sooner did the girl see him than she all but died for joy, and carried away by her feelings, fell upon his neck with open arms and embraced him, and, what with sorrow of his past woes and her present happiness, said never a word, but softly wept.
Sally Richard's apartment living room sported as decorations a portrait of Jesus welcoming little children with open arms and another of him looking heavenward.
Joe clung with all his strength to the ladder during the wide oscillations that it had to describe, and then making an indescribable gesture to the Arabs, and climbing with the agility of a monkey, he sprang up to his companions, who received him with open arms.
The niece let him in, and his master Don Quixote came forward to receive him with open arms, and the pair shut themselves up in his room, where they had another conversation not inferior to the previous one.
Rinaldo, hearing these words, and marking the flame which shot from the lady's eyes, and being no laggard, came forward with open arms, and confronted her and said:—.
They'll welcome you with open arms when they hear about the bullion.
It adds an extra step to its end-processing to concentrate toxins, extract them, seal them in fifty-gallon barrels which they ship to a brand-new company up in North Carolina, where skilled jobs are even more precious and people will welcome a hazardous-materials recycler with open arms.
And the other two young heroes were among those who first took him in, and welcomed him with open arms.