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with moderation

adv. in a moderate manner; "he drinks moderately" [syn: moderately] [ant: immoderately]

Usage examples of "with moderation".

They were instructed to behave towards Gallus with moderation and respect, and, by the gentlest arts of persuasion, to engage him to comply with the invitation of his brother and colleague.

He enjoyed with moderation the conveniences of his fortune, and the innocent pleasures of society.

As long as they were awed by power and treated with moderation, their voluntary bands were distinguished in the armies of the empire.

As far as the others were concerned, those which relate to property, personal welfare, and social position, it proceeded cautiously and with moderation.

For certainly your desire for peace, and prosperity, and plenty is not prompted by any purpose of using these blessings honestly, that is to say, with moderation, sobriety, temperance, and piety.

Putting a good face on a sorry and ludicrous business, I beat out the syllables, with moderation I should say, and so it continued until la Spollenhauer, goaded by some inner demon, leapt up in palpable fury, but not over the Tartars behind me.

But it happened, from the justice of Trebonius's decrees and his humanity (for he thought that in such dangerous times justice should be administered with moderation and compassion), that not one could be found who would offer himself the first to lodge an appeal.

Whoever endeavours to turn his mind towards these points, and persuade himself to receive with willingness what cannot be avoided, he will pass his life with moderation and harmony.

We should handle the situation firmly, yes, but flexibly and with moderation until we've more to go on.

He was not drunk--the man is not a drunkard, he has always stores of liquor at hand, which he uses with moderation,--but he was muzzy, dull, and confused.