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with kid gloves

adv. with caution or prudence or tact; "she ventured cautiously downstairs"; "they handled the incident with kid gloves" [syn: cautiously, carefully] [ant: incautiously, incautiously]

Usage examples of "with kid gloves".

Till now, for reasons best known to themselves, they have been treating us with kid gloves.

You know, Matern, when those people struck, it wasn't with kid gloves.

Somebody in the Division of European affairs should be disposing of Jewish matters, he said, not passing them up to iii-all these delegations, petitions, correspcndence, important individuals who had to be treated with kid gloves, and the like.

But dont worry, if I find any bad guys, Ill handle them with kid gloves.

One of the reasons they may be treating us with kid gloves right now is that they imagine we're all broken up over the fact that they killed one of us, and they feel guilt about it.

I admit I liked being treated with kid gloves which, I believed, was my due.