prep.phr. 1 (context slang English) Aware of current trends and fashions. 2 (context slang English) Attentive.
Usage examples of "with it".
The corporal will see that your baggage is carried to the bank, to a spot where it will be out of the way, and will remain with it until you know where it is to be taken.
Hilliard, that the party takes sufficient food with it for their journey to El Obeid.
The entire structure was going up in smoke, its complete contents with it, and he could do nothing but sit and watch.
When we once get out there I shall be game to join in anything that is not likely to make a great row, but I have done with it for the present.
I will hand that in as the official report, and with it the other, saying that it gives further details of the affair.
I was just brimful with it when you came up and took the words out of me mouth.
You see, from my father being a captain in the regiment, I have been brought up with it, and to be taken so suddenly away from them seems a tremendous wrench.
Still, you see, as your regiment is in the brigade you will still be able to be with it when off duty, and when the end of the campaign comes you will return to it.
Terence, it is yourself knows better than anyone else that I had nothing to do with it, and I will never forgive you until you make a clean breast of it to me.
I have been tormented with it beyond endurance for months on both sides.
He had had sufficient experience with it in the past to know its limits.
The enquirer recommenced his work, and with it the refrain of his song, just where he had left off.
It is a joy to see them seated about the board, their elbows on the table, their heads bent forward over the steaming bowl, whose savoury perfume as it rises to their nostrils seems to carry with it a veritable ecstasy, if one were to judge by the beatific expression on every countenance.
Constance watched them for several minutes and then decided not to let Oliveira get away with it so easily.
A soothing drift of cool air floated toward him out of the twilight, carrying with it a delightfully complex mingling of odors, cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg, roasted meat, rich wine, pungent perfume, the tang of sliced lemons, all the wondrous aromas of some nearby lavish banquet.