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n. (context telecommunications English) A landline

Wireline (cabling)

In the oil and gas industry, the term wireline usually refers to a cabling technology used by operators of oil and gas wells to lower equipment or measurement devices into the well for the purposes of well intervention, reservoir evaluation, and pipe recovery.

Tools inserted into the well for both workover and logging efforts, wirelines and slicklines are very similar devices. While a slickline is a thin cable introduced into a well to deliver and retrieve tools downhole, a wireline is an electrical cable used to lower tools into and transmit data about the conditions of the wellbore called wireline logs. Usually consisting of braided cables, wirelines are used to perform wireline logging, as well

Braided line can contain an inner core of insulated wires which provide power to equipment located at the end of the cable, normally referred to as electric line, and provides a pathway for electrical telemetry for communication between the surface and equipment at the end of the cable.


Wireline may refer to:

  • Slickline, a cabling technology used for oil-well completions and maintenance
  • Wireline (cabling), a cabling technology involving sending a current to downhole logging tools in oil-well exploration and completions
  • Wireline (networking), networking technology
  • Wireline (recording studio), a hybrid analog/digital recording facility in Midland, Texas
  • Plain Old Telephone Service, a traditional land-line telephone system
  • Wired communication

Usage examples of "wireline".

They swept the estate for wireline taps, wireless taps, frequency hoppers, powerline modulators, burst transmitters, laser links, microwave flood resonators and every other piece of privacy invasion hardware right down for looking for cockroaches with microvocodor chips epoxied to their shells.

There were just five of them, in the crew and by the grace of God their wireline was still intact, and they were able to beg for help.

You will keep the map updated manually from the wireline vision feeds, and from what Ferlitz gives us.