n. (context idiomatic English) a winning streak; a sequence of winning games.
Usage examples of "winning ways".
I'd have to be watching you all the time Behave yourself now, old man Georgi has not my patience or my winning ways Don't hurt him.
Hell be counselor-of-state, with his winning ways, the priest said, holding the child by the hand as he told the brothers, Its remarkable and a thing pleasing to God that our family has always been able to find Catholic girls to marry.
Ivo could not create poetry, and he totally lacked Lanier's winning ways with the ladies.
Frebec assumed a more detached and unconcerned manner to cover up the fact that he was obviously moved by the naturally winning ways of the frightened baby wolf.
You must understand the effect of this, of Flashy imposing his winning ways on that fortunate native wench.