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n. (plural of wingback English)

Usage examples of "wingbacks".

Although Icarii rarely changed the color of their hair or their wingbacks, they tended to dye their underwings as the impulse took them.

Her wingbacks were the same gold as her hair, and she dyed her underwings to match her eyes so that in the air she was all gold and violet.

That knowledge was emphasized by the entrance of the entire Strike Force, fully armed, all the Crest-Leaders and many of the Strike Force with both underwings and wingbacks dyed in the ebony of war.

Although Icarii rarely changed the colour of their hair or their wingbacks, they tended to dye their underwings as the impulse took them.

That knowledge was emphasised by the entrance of the entire Strike Force, fully armed, all the Crest-Leaders and many of the Strike Force with both underwings and wingbacks dyed in the ebony of war.

He was vividly colored, far more so than his mother or brother, with violet eyes, raven-black hair and wingbacks, and gorgeous speckled blue underwings.

He simply rejoiced in the freedom of the unlimited sky and the heat of the sun on his wingbacks as he plummeted further and further down to the green and blue earth below him.

Reassured by the Icarii reaction to the children, perhaps a few of the elderly women, braver than most, would come forward, and then, finally, the entire village would flock about the Icarii, listening in awe as one or more of the Icarii started to sing, stroking their soft wingbacks, exclaiming over their beautiful and alien faces.

He was vividly coloured, far more so than his mother or brother, with violet eyes, raven-black hair and wingbacks, and gorgeous speckled blue underwings.

Two more blue wingbacks and a filigreed silver table formed a conversational area at the rear of the room.