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n. (plural of wineskin English)

Usage examples of "wineskins".

Women and weyrlings moved among the diners with klah pitchers, but not many wineskins were in evidence.

They all heard Master Esselin come bustling down the corridor, directing those who carried food, cups, and wineskins to hand them over to Jancis and Piemur.

She had been shown the wineskins that were reserved only for Master Robinton, and she had also been instructed to feed the fire-lizard only meat from a special bowl.

T'gellan had brought four wineskins and St'ven and C'reel added two kegs of the light beer Landing brewed.

He watched them snatch and suck at the wineskins and heft the swords and dirks given out, comparing them and cleaving at the air to get the feel.

Then Lavas Laerk got them into a sort of order and they marched away, half of them carrying torches, a few still hugging wineskins, sliding and slipping, cursing the sharp rocks and barnacles which cut them when they fell, hurling exaggerated threats at the darkness ahead, where strange windows glowed.