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a. (alternative spelling of wine-colored English)

Usage examples of "wine-coloured".

Then they stopped in a line facing the landing party, regarding their visitors with calm, wine-coloured eyes.

Yet much life was supported by this trickle of water: butterfly and beetle, serpent and lizard, the graceful little gazelle that danced like whiffs of saffron dust on the heat-quivering plains, the speckled pigeons with their ruffs of wine-coloured feathers that nested on high ledges all drank here.

Jake's long angular frame stiffened, and a dark wine-coloured flush spread slowly up the back of his neck.

Long seconds passed before he realized that it was the raw wood of a cut log, a short fork-shaped log as thick as a young girl's waist, so freshly cut that the gum was still bleeding from it in sticky wine-coloured drops.