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wine waiter

n. a waiter who manages wine service in a hotel or restaurant [syn: sommelier, wine steward]

Usage examples of "wine waiter".

While I was visualising the scene and sipping my soup - the restaurant may have been pretentious, but the food was excellent - the wine waiter filled my glass and then Duncan's.

The robot customers were attended by a robot waiter, a robot wine waiter and a robot maetre d'.

They had no wine waiter because of the war and George would smile ashamedly when I asked about wines like fresa.

He looked like the wine waiter at the Tour d'Argent being asked for a bottle of Tizer.

The wine waiter appeared, with Olivia's Perrier and Nancy's half bottle.

The bottle was placed on the table and the wine waiter, expressionless, withdrew.

He gave the order, and the wine waiter, who came from Brooklyn but wore a striped jacket and a green apron and had a silver chain with a tasting-cup round his neck, went off for the Clicquot Rose.