n. (label en US) Another name for a '''window cleaner'''; a person who cleans windows for a living.
n. someone who washes windows
Usage examples of "window washer".
KEEPING MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER If you insist on using Microsoft Internet Explorer then I strongly recommend that you check out at least one of these programs: PurgeIE Anonymizer Window Washer Cache and Cookie Washer for IE I have already tried and tested some other programs and you'd be surprised on how many of them DON'T pass the tests.
There was a reason he'd been a window washer, a dish washer, and a cook.
Although there is no sign of the alleged renter, Joseph Farley, here at this house, BNN has confirmed that he was a regular window washer at the U.
A window washer after his three-story tumble head first onto concrete.
Ten feet below, dangling on a harness suspended by two cables, an aluminum window washer’.
He was dressed in the anonymous denim overalls of a window washer.