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winding cloth

n. A burial shroud.

Usage examples of "winding cloth".

What would he find when be unrolled the body and dropped the winding cloth to the floor?

All of them were dressed in billowy flowing mantles that reached from neck to feet, gathered at the waist with a girdle of winding cloth - and all in a wild profusion of colours: blood red and blue stripes.

He was dressed in a loose robe, and his turban lay to one side, a small heap of winding cloth.

They carried the distinctive curved sword of the Saracen in the winding cloth that serves the Arab for a belt.

Its odor is musty, its color is the grayish white of mourning, its sound is a faint sighing moan, and its form is the winding cloth of a corpse.

She was relieved to find that Aldaniosin had already covered the prince in a modest loincloth, and she scarcely hesitated as she worked the winding cloth over Tuvashanoran's smooth belly, across the expected scars of a warrior leader.

In his pallid arms, Lord Soth bore a body bound in a white winding cloth, the kind used for embalming the dead.

If we found a shroud pin, then the person in the grave had been reverently wrapped in a winding cloth when he or she was buried.

One was in a white winding cloth: a rich man, considering the price of fabric in Bellinzona.

She had already been forced to don a cloak, and a winding cloth to cover her long hair.