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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Wind colic

Colic \Col"ic\, n. [F. colique, fr. L. colicus sick with the colic, Gr. ?, fr. ?, ?, the colon. The disease is so named from its being seated in or near the colon. See Colon.] (Med.) A severe paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, due to spasm, obstruction, or distention of some one of the hollow viscera.

Hepatic colic, the severe pain produced by the passage of a gallstone from the liver or gall bladder through the bile duct.

Intestinal colic, or Ordinary colic, pain due to distention of the intestines by gas.

Lead colic, Painter's colic, a violent form of intestinal colic, associated with obstinate constipation, produced by chronic lead poisoning.

Renal colic, the severe pain produced by the passage of a calculus from the kidney through the ureter.

Wind colic. See Intestinal colic, above.