n. (obsolete spelling of will English) vb. (obsolete spelling of will English)
Wille is a surname, and may refer to
- Bruno Wille
- Clare Wille
- Conrad Ulrich Sigmund Wille
- Frey Wille
- Hans Wille
- Jacob Andreas Wille
- Jodi Wille
- Johan Nordal Fischer Wille
- Johann Georg Wille
- Joop Wille
- Martin Wille
- Nordal Wille
- Paul Wille
- Rudolf Wille
- Sebastian Wille German urologist
- Sigrid Wille
- Ulrich Wille
Wille may refer to:
- Wille (surname)
- Ville (name), a popular male given name in Finland, sometimes spelled Wille
Usage examples of "wille".
Men verdrong elkander, zeer ernstig van gelaat, zelfs ter wille van het kleinste staanplaatsje, onbarmhartig voor wanhopige lotgenooten, onder wie vele dames, met een overspannen zenuwachtigheid en een bont gefladder van lichte toiletten den tram omliepen, turende door de glazen of zij wellicht nog een zweem van een open plekje bespeurden.
I nowe in the holow of my hand by thys victorie the conquest and possession of al thys lande of Daemonlande, and doe nowe purpose to dele with thayr castels villages riches cattell howssys and poepell in my waye on al thys estren seaborde within L miells compas with rapes and murtheres and burnyngs and all harsche dyscypline according to your Majesties wille.
She was so swift that she anon hem hente, And whan that she was elder, she wolde kille Leouns, leopardes, and beres al to-rente, And in hir armes weelde hem at hir wille.
Ye moote nempne hym to what place also, Or to what contree, that yow list to ryde, And whan ye com ther as yow list abyde, Bidde hym descende, and trille another pyn, (For therin lith theffect of al the gyn) And he wol doun descende, and doon youre wille.
For thilke peyne, and thilke hoote fir, In which thou whilom brendest for desir Whan that thow usedest the greet beautee Of faire yonge fresshe Venus free, And haddest hir in armes at thy wille- Al though thee ones on a tyme mysfille Whan Vulcanus hadde caught thee in his las, And foond thee liggynge by his wyf, allas!
This false cherl cam forth a ful greet pas And seyde, "Lord, if that it be youre wille, As dooth me right upon this pitous bille In which I pleyne upon Virginius.
For which oppressioun was swich clamour And swich pursute unto the kyng Arthour, That dampned was this knyght for to be deed By cours of lawe, and sholde han lost his heed, Paraventure, swich was the statut tho, But that the queene and othere ladyes mo So longe preyeden the kyng of grace, Til he his lyf hym graunted in the place, And yaf hym to the queene al at hir wille, To chese, wheither she wolde hym save or spille.