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n. (plural of wildman English)

Usage examples of "wildmen".

Slow-moving travelers were frequently blown off the road by wildmen in leather jackets and white scarves, two-wheeled human torpedoes defying all speed limits and heedless of their own safety.

Too, that would leave Coramonde badly underdefended, what with new sorties by the wildmen of the north.

And at that, not being accosted by outlaws or wildmen but some new element which killed with cold precision .

Fim the Northwatcher, who had escaped the death of his father and nation, being a boy in training in the south during the attack of the druids and wildmen of the Cold Isles.

At that time, from the northernmost isles which even the wildmen did not often visit, there came Angorman, a salty young roughneck who had heard of the deeds of the Brotherhood, seen an image of the Celestial Goddess carved on the bowsprit of a wrecked ship and decided on the spot to join them.

As our people muster for needless war with Freegate, the wildmen grow stronger in the land of my father.

They might be fighting wildmen, but against a disciplined force of pros .