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n. 1 A wild, i.e. not cultivated, plant 2 A wild animal

Usage examples of "wildling".

The wildling caught him by the end of his billowy white beard and hacked off three-quarters of it with a single slash of the axe.

No one in Fallbrook, Auberg, or Beresford knew exactly what a hob was, except that it was a wildling and relatively benevolent, and it owned this mountain, or belonged to it.

The wildling was a fragile-seeming thing, his feyness blending into the odd light as if he, not I, really belonged to this world.

This little wildling that looked like a hill pony made the fastest horse Albrin had bred seem a plodding workhorse in comparison.

I was able to help the other fighters because anytime a wildling started for me, it was felled with a crossbow bolt.

It threw Gilly into his arms, and the wildling girl clung to him so fiercely that Sam could hardly breathe.

Sam clung white-knuckled to the rail wanting desperately to retch, he heard some of the crew muttering that this was what came of bringing a woman aboard ship, and a wildling woman at that.

The wildling prince had become the darling of all the women in the crew, and Gilly seemed to trust them with him as she had never trusted any man.

Kojja Mo and her father to take the wildling girl with them to the Summer Isles.

It threw Gilly into his arms, and the wildling girl clung to him so fiercely that Sam could hardly breauhe.

During one of the lulls between the gales, as Sam clung white-knuckled to the rail wanting desperately to retch, he heard some of the crew muttering that this was what came of bringing a woman aboard ship, and a wildling woman at that.

He considered begging Kojja Mo and her father to take the wildling girl with them to the Summer Isles.

He was going to be a ragged, half-starved wildling, living in the northern forests with a pair of eternally cranky dragons.

It was as if by behaving as a wildling yunker he could cheat death itself.

He waited attentively and vigilantly to see if this young wildling, the son of Joh Fredersen and Hel, had had enough at last, or if he would pull himself together once more for the fight against nothing.