WikiAnswers is an ad-supported wiki-based website where users can submit and answer questions. This site allows users to post and edit questions and answers. uses wiki technology and fundamentals, allowing communal ownership and editing of content. All the questions that have an answer can be edited and improved over time. uses an Alternates System – where every answer can have dozens of different questions that "trigger" it. When a question is similar to an existing one, they are joined as alternatives. This helps prevent duplicate entries in an effort to promote more cohesive answers. WikiAnswers was created in 2002 by Chris Whitten as FAQ Farm. It and all corresponding domains were acquired by Answers Corporation in November 2006 to become the user-generated content (UGC) component of Following the acquisition, the product was renamed WikiAnswers. As of August 2013, it had over 19 million answers; over 8,500 categories; over 29 million contributors; and 1,087 volunteer supervisors. According to comScore May 2010 data, sites, including WikiAnswers, had 45.4 million unique visitors in the US. WikiAnswers is a leading Q&A website on the Internet. As of August 2013, the web information company Alexa Internet ranks WikiAnswers and its sister sites as the 193rd most popular on the Internet.
WikiAnswers uses SEO techniques to improve its web visibility and has been described as a " content farm".