- Plug-free Internet access: Hyph
- Plug-free computer connection: Hyph
- Plug-free computer connection
- One way to get online
- Network for laptop users
- Modern in-flight amenity
- Modern café freebie
- Minneapolis citywide freebie since 2009
- Limited-range radio frequency service
- Library convenience
- Library amenity, often
- Laptop-surfer's connection
- Laptop surfer's connection
- Laptop capability
- IPhone setting
- Internet-access convenience
- Internet hotspot service
- Internet hotspot connection
- Internet hotspot access: Hyph
- Internet connectivity in a hotel lobby: Hyph
- Internet connection at an airport terminal, often: Hyph
- Internet coffee shop convenience
- Internet café offering: Hyph
- Internet café convenience
- Internet access that's often free at a coffee shop: Hyph
- In-flight amenity
- Hotspot feature
- Hotspot connection
- Hotel amenity that's often password-protected
- Hot spot convenience
- High-tech hotel amenity
- Hi-tech airport convenience
- Free service at some coffee shops: Hyph
- Free offering from a cafe
- Free Internet connection often offered in coffee shops: Hyph
- Free Internet connection offered in many coffee shops: Hyph
- Flight amenity that costs extra
- Cybercafé's Internet connection: Hyph
- Cybercafé feature
- Cybercafe amenity
- Convenient coffeehouse offering
- Connection you might miss while flying?
- Connection that might be made in a coffee shop
- Connection at an airport terminal?
- Communication trademark since '99
- Common way to get an Internet connection: Hyph
- Coffeehouse convenience for Web surfers
- Coffeehouse convenience
- Coffee-shop enticement
- Coffee shop convenience
- Coffee shop amenity, often
- Cellular data saver
- Café's Internet access
- Amenity for laptop users
- Alternative to mobile data
- Airport Internet service, for short
- Airport connection
- "Hotspot" technology
- Kind of connection for traveling computer users
- Kind of computer connection
- Modern kind of network
- Internet cafe offering, maybe
- Internet connection at a restaurant or airport
- Coffee shop convenience for a laptop
- Internet cafe connection
- Provider of a hot spot at a coffee shop?
- Surcharge item in many hotels
- Boingo service at airports
- Airport amenity
- It may require a password
- Modern flight amenity
- Service symbolized by a dot and three curved lines
- One replaces mate's European connection facility
- Wind and fire wiping out half the network system
- Partner briefly I used to connect with
- Internet connection at an airport, often: Hyph
- Internet access system
- Bluetooth alternative
- Amenity at many Starbucks
- Laptop connection
- Surfing aid
- Café offering
- Internet café service
- Airport convenience
- Surfing convenience
- Starbucks amenity
- Network access option
- Modern airport amenity
- Hotspot service: Hyph
- Hot spot offering
- Connection involving radio waves
- Coffeehouse connection
- Surfing need, maybe
- Laptop surfer's connection: Hyph
- IPad feature
- Hotspot offering
- Hot spot connection
- Hi-tech airport connection
- Connection provider
- Coffeehouse connectivity: Hyph
- Coffeehouse amenity
- What'll help you see the sites?
- Web access that's often offered for free in a coffeehouse: Hyph
- Way to log on without plugging in
- Type of Internet access that requires a password: Hyph
- Traveler's Web connection, for short
- Technical standards for data transmission (abbr)
- Surfing option
- Surfer's amenity
- Something many people steal from their neighbors
- Something a houseguest might ask you for the password to: Hyph
- Smartphone selection
- Signal in many homes, nowadays
- Service with hotspots
- Service that utilizes hot spots
- Service offered for free at most airports: Hyph