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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wifeless \Wife"less\, a. Without a wife; unmarried.


a. having no wife; unmarried or celibate

Usage examples of "wifeless".

Wifeless, friendless, he plodded through his 4r4ALL TMNGS WISE AND WONDERFUL life , endlessly milking, feeding and mucking out, and waiting, I suspected with diminishing hope for something to happen.

Alys Vorpatril was widely acknowledged as the premier social arbiter of Vorbarr Sultana, not least because of her frequent duties at the Imperial Residence as official welcomer for wifeless, motherless, sisterless Emperor Gregor.

In the old nomad days, you see, a Mongol lord kept his wives dispersed about his territory, each in her own yurtu, so that wherever he rode he never had to endure a wifeless night.

But one thing, sir knight, methinketh ye lack, ye that are a knight wifeless, that he will not love some maiden or gentlewoman, for I could never hear say that ever ye loved any of no manner degree, and that is great pity.