Crossword clues for wielding
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Wield \Wield\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wielded; p. pr. & vb. n. Wielding.] [OE. welden to govern, to have power over, to possess, AS. geweldan, gewyldan, from wealdan; akin to OS. waldan, OFries. walda, G. walten, OHG. waltan, Icel. valda, Sw. v[*a]lla to occasion, to cause, Dan. volde, Goth. waldan to govern, rule, L. valere to be strong. Cf. Herald, Valiant.]
To govern; to rule; to keep, or have in charge; also, to possess. [Obs.]
When a strong armed man keepeth his house, all things that he wieldeth ben in peace.
--Wyclif (Luke xi. 21).Wile [ne will] ye wield gold neither silver ne money in your girdles.
--Wyclif (Matt. x. 9.) -
To direct or regulate by influence or authority; to manage; to control; to sway.
The famous orators . . . whose resistless eloquence Wielded at will that fierce democraty.
--Milton.Her newborn power was wielded from the first by unprincipled and ambitions men.
--De Quincey. -
To use with full command or power, as a thing not too heavy for the holder; to manage; to handle; hence, to use or employ; as, to wield a sword; to wield the scepter.
Base Hungarian wight! wilt thou the spigot wield!
--Shak.Part wield their arms, part curb the foaming steed.
--Milton.Nothing but the influence of a civilized power could induce a savage to wield a spade.
--S. S. Smith.To wield the scepter, to govern with supreme command.
Wielding \Wield"ing\, n. Power; authority; rule. [Obs.]
To have them in your might and in your wielding.
vb. (present participle of wield English)
Usage examples of "wielding".
In the fight that followed, Hat had managed to get hold of the knife Dee was wielding and stab the man fatally, but not before receiving severe head injuries himself.
Scattered about the ledge stood nine Finlorian generals, each wielding one of the legendary Swords of Asahiel, from which the streaks of crimson fire poured forth in steady streams.
Halfway across the room stood a man wielding a sword sheathed in a scarlet glow.
He would do as he had promised Kylac, wielding as best he could the divine fury of the Crimson Sword.
Jarom quickly spotted Nevik among the survivors, wielding his mace to devastating effect.
None had any interest in being near a wizard when he was wielding magic that left people screaming as Jebra had done.
If it was made of wire, placed correctly at the neck joints, and the man wielding it had arms big enough, his troga could decapitate a person before the victim had a chance to make a sound.
He was a beefy, red-faced man in his mid-fifties, muscled where Hubert was merely fat, his sunburned hands scarred and callused from years of wielding a sword.
Drujani wielding a broadsword cleared a space around him and then flung down his blade, seizing me and bending me backward over a table, the heel of his hand under my chin.
For all that, he fought as calmly as if he were at his exercises, wielding his two-handed sword with careful grace.
The Red Ajah held its prime duty to be the prevention of another Breaking of the World, and they did it by hunting down every man who even dreamed of wielding the One Power.
Field of a false Dragon, a man actually wielding the Power, it had been the biggest news to come into the Two Rivers in years.
She was trying to throw her puny, untrained wielding of the Power against the Forsaken.
Armored men on armored horses, shining steel dusty now, slashed and stabbed at snarling Trollocs wielding spiked axes and scythe-like swords.
When the Skraelings attacked again, Azhure led the two squads of archers, wielding their flaming brands now rather than bows, into battle alongside the swordsmen.