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widow's peak

n. A descending V-shaped point in the hairline in the middle of the forehead

widow's peak

n. a V-shaped point in the hairline in the middle of the forehead

Widow's peak

A widow's peak is a V-shaped point in the hairline in the center of the forehead. Hair growth on the forehead is suppressed in a bilateral pair of periorbital fields. Without a widow's peak, these fields join in the middle of the forehead so as to give a hairline that runs straight across. A widow's peak results when the point of intersection on the forehead of the upper perimeters of these fields is lower than usual.

Usage examples of "widow's peak".

As the man slept sickly beside him, Drew steered the van from the picnic grounds and continued through New Hampshire, heading southeast now, toward Massachusetts.

Gerald's widow's peak was in disarray - probably as a result of the dog's licking the blood out of it - but his glasses were still firmly in place.

He had a broad intelligent forehead with the arrowhead of a sharp widow's peak emphasizing its depth, and his eyes were deep-set and fierce as those of a prophet from the Old Testament.

The bald spot was growing on the crown and his widow's peak was becoming more pronounced by the day.

His hair is blond, combed tightly back, with a perfectly pointed widow's peak.

His hair was blond and combed tightly back, a widow's peak coming to a perfect point.

His hair is blond, combed tightly back, with a per-fectly pointed widow's peak.

To accentuate his widow's peak and tame his cowlick, Samuel Heckler insisted on combing his hair straight back.

A former admiral with the Fourth Fleet, Scaur was tall and gaunt, with watery blue eyes and a pronounced widow's peak.

He was taller than Hap, yet about his age, and wore his dark hair brushed straight back above his forehead, revealing a pronounced widow's peak.

He had dark hair with a pronounced widow's peak, and sharp brown eyes.

He had never met Exedore full-size, as it were, but perhaps detested him even more in his Micronized state, especially since Terran cosmologists had gone to work on him, styling his hair with a widow's peak, and concealing the clone's dwarfish anatomy beneath specially-tailored uniforms.

European, forty to fifty, medium height, hair black, eyes brown, high forehead, incipient widow's peak.