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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wide-awake \Wide`-a*wake"\ (w[imac]d`[.a]*w[=a]k"), a. Fully awake; not drowsy or dull; hence, knowing; keen; alert.


Wide-awake \Wide`-a*wake"\, n. A broad-brimmed, low-crowned felt hat.


a. 1 completely or fully awake 2 alert, vigilant or watchful n. 1 (alternative spelling of wideawake English) 2 The sooty tern

  1. adj. fully awake; "the unsleeping city"; "so excited she was wide-awake all night" [syn: unsleeping]

  2. fully alert and watchful; "played heads-up ball" [syn: heads-up]

Usage examples of "wide-awake".

And so it came about that God wore a wide-awake hat and fought skirmishes with an aboriginal Satan out at the antipodes of the firmament, in the name and for the safekeeping of any Victoria.

James lay in the arms of the nurserymaid and Aunt Elizabeth, who was glad to get off her feet, and the little boys stared in wide-awake astonishment at the glowing lanterns and ignored all their well-wishers, who moved on speedily to the collation table for cider and ham anyway.

This morning Tempest was nodded out on gabba, but Kurt and Darla were wide-awake on snap, very wired, very lifted.

After I had fallen over eight or nine precipices and thus found out that one half of my brain had been asleep eight or nine times without the wide-awake, hard-working other half suspecting it, the periodical unconsciousnesses began to extend their spell gradually over more of my brain-territory, and at last I sank into a drowse which grew deeper and deeper and was doubtless just on the very point of being a solid, blessed dreamless stupor, when--what was that?

Half a dozen sound-asleep steamboats where I used to see a solid mile of wide-awake ones!

Don Corleone sent his Consigliere, Genco Abbandando, to speak to the wholesaler, and as was to be expected, that wide-awake businessman caught the drift immediately and arranged for Nazorine to get his furniture.

One gets very wary and wide-awake when one has to manage a team of eleven dogs and a sledge load by oneself, but it was a most interesting experience, and I had a delightful leader, “.

He felt wide-awake after the long day drowsing, and yet there was something curiously dream-like about walking through the foreign dark, the soft black boots of the guide making hushing noises over the stones, the smoke of cooking fires drifting from the nearby houses, muted light filtering from behind screens and out of windows, and once a snatch of unfamiliar song in a woman’s voice.

Winger was one of those freaks of nature who just open their eyes and are wide-awake.

After what we have learnt in regard to these three, we may assume that the path leading to this third stage consists in producing a condition of wide-awake, tranquil contemplation in the very region where the I is wont to unfold its highest degree of initiative on the lowest level of consciousness.

For years, I had lain intermittently alone in a double bed, wide-awake in the darkness, nalls digging into my hands, waiting for him to come back.

Perhaps he would have to be making more to maintain warms up it and wide-awake.

Just then where the Old Stone Fence divides the Green Meadow from the Old Pasture which goes down rocky and leaping with insects to the margin of the Lily Pond, Doctor Drinkwater in a wide-awake hat stopped, panting from his climb.

His wide-awake hat flew off, and Clover Lee ran to snatch it out of harm's way.

I noticed a strange tall gaunt man half in khaki half in mufti with a large wide-awake hat, bright eyes and a hooked nose sitting in the comer.