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n. (plural of wicket English)

Usage examples of "wickets".

You score points by hitting your ball through a course of six wickets twice, the four outside hoops, the center hoops, then back again in the opposite direction.

Still, there are wickets through here and there, though most of them into burgage gardens, and it would be no easy matter to get through to the streets without the household knowing of it.

Podder were at the wickets, when the wary Dumkins made a splendid late cut, and Mr.

Two or three small wickets gave access through the wall to gardens and grass below.

There were three wickets in the wall before they reached the mouth of Saint Mary’s water-lane, which gave access to the river from town and castle at need, and in places the householders within had extended their gardens to the outer side, or made use of the ground, where it was level enough, for their stores of wood or other materials for their crafts.

Only in times of possible danger were all the wickets closed and barred, and sentries set on the walls.

But Wesley had vindicated himself by already taking twenty-five wickets and wearing the Venturer T-shirt on every possible occasion.

So it happened that he was at the wickets on the following Wednesday afternoon when the commissionaire brought him in the historic letter.

When Dingley Dell took their turn at the wickets their champions were Mr.