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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
wicket gate
▪ But the rector was opening the wicket gate at the side of the public house, and vanished from sight.
▪ Cranston pulled at the bell and they were allowed through a wicket gate built into the ponderous door.
▪ He went up through the wicket gate and into the cemetery, a quiet, surprisingly well-kept plot.
▪ Outside the wicket gate he paused for a moment before setting off along the Backs in the direction of the town centre.
▪ The Co-operative also had double doors with a wicket gate leading into a cobbled yard.
▪ The huddled figure shambled alongside the yew hedge towards the wicket gate.
▪ Turn left into Bleak Terrace and go back on to the Fell through the wicket gate to the village boundary wall.
▪ We brought her in, four of us carrying her on a wicket gate.
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Wicket gate

Wicket \Wick"et\, n. [OE. wiket, OF. wiket, guichet, F. quichet; probably of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. v?k a small creek, inlet, bay, vik a corner.]

  1. A small gate or door, especially one forming part of, or placed near, a larger door or gate; a narrow opening or entrance cut in or beside a door or gate, or the door which is used to close such entrance or aperture. Piers Plowman. ``Heaven's wicket.''

    And so went to the high street, . . . and came to the great tower, but the gate and wicket was fast closed.
    --Ld. Berners.

    The wicket, often opened, knew the key.

  2. A small gate by which the chamber of canal locks is emptied, or by which the amount of water passing to a water wheel is regulated.

  3. (Cricket)

    1. A small framework at which the ball is bowled. It consists of three rods, or stumps, set vertically in the ground, with one or two short rods, called bails, lying horizontally across the top.

    2. The ground on which the wickets are set.

  4. A place of shelter made of the boughs of trees, -- used by lumbermen, etc. [Local, U. S.]

  5. (Mining) The space between the pillars, in postand-stall working.

    Wicket door, Wicket gate, a small door or gate; a wicket. See def. 1, above.

    Wicket keeper (Cricket), the player who stands behind the wicket to catch the balls and endeavor to put the batsman out.

wicket gate

n. A small gate or door, especially one built into a large one.

wicket gate

n. small gate or door (especially one that is part of a larger door) [syn: wicket, wicket door]

Wicket gate

A wicket gate, or simply a wicket, is a pedestrian door or gate, particularly one built into a larger door or into a wall or fence.

Usage examples of "wicket gate".

Let us see, said Cadfael, treading carefully along the grass to the wicket gate in the wall, if any but sandalled feet came that way.

While Tom was savagely jamming in powder and ball, the wicket gate of the fort opened, a man came out and ran to a house a biscuit’.

He unlocked the wicket gate of the turret stair and went out on the roof.

On the other was a sort of wicket gate for the pedestrian walkway.

Periodically through the thickening jumble of events they sensed appalling catastrophes, deep horrors, cataclysmic shocks, and these were always associated with certain recurring images, the only images which ever stood out clearly from the avalance of tumbling history: a wicket gate, a small hard red ball, hard white robots, and also something less distinct, something dark and cloudy.