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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Whorish \Whor"ish\, a. Resembling a whore in character or conduct; addicted to unlawful pleasures; incontinent; lewd; unchaste. [1913 Webster] -- Whor"ish*ly, adv. -- Whor"ish*ness, n.


a. (context vulgar English) Resembling or befitting a whore.

Usage examples of "whorish".

The customers there all had to be women of no morals even to look at such whorish clothing, and perhaps, he thought, some would serve him in Paradise.

He started walking toward one of them, a dark-haired woman wearing whorish red pants.

She moved with the willowy grace of a fifteen-year-old virgin, despite her sixty whorish years.

She found it difficult to believe she had been that whorish woman, treacherous, adulterate .

That in your mind the ardour I had shown had become cheap, sweating, whorish, depraved.

When referred to at all, it was as some vague, unspeakable, whorish pagan evil.

Insidious but necessary is the whorish knack a journalist must develop of suiting his pitch to the particular client.

Under the propaganda cosmetics-the German paint whorish, the British ladylike-one discerns the same grim face of events: Germany and Japan triumphant.

With these whorish Honored Mattes and with returned Bene Tleilax as well.