vb. (en-third-person singularwhore out)
Usage examples of "whores out".
There were plenty of free-lance whores out on the street, pretending to busk, with their permits stuck on their hats like anyone else.
With natural compounds containing metallic oxides this colour is masked.
From one viewpoint, perverted but nevertheless valid, the Ripper had done a deed of mercy when he had put those hungry, gaunt, diseased and hopeless whores out of their deep misery.
He stepped into the opening and gave Bobbv a load dead-center that pinned him against the dresser and gave Virgil time to pump and bust him again, the sound coming out in a hard heavy wham-wham double-O explosion that Virgil figured, grinning about later, must have rocked some whores out of bed.
The sheriff has just announced that he's going to run all us whores out of town.
But half way across the roadstead the gig met the flotilla of bumboats bringing sixpenny whores out to the Surprise: it was a usual though not invariable practice - one that most captains liked on the grounds that it pleased the hands and kept them from sodomy, though others forbade it as bringing the pox and great quantities of illicit spirits aboard, which meant an endless sick-list, fighting, and drunken crime.