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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wholesome \Whole"some\, a. [Compar. Wholesomer; superl. Wholesomest.] [Whole + some; cf. Icel. heilsamr, G. heilsam, D. heilzaam.]

  1. Tending to promote health; favoring health; salubrious; salutary.

    Wholesome thirst and appetite.

    From which the industrious poor derive an agreeable and wholesome variety of food.
    --A Smith.

  2. Contributing to the health of the mind; favorable to morals, religion, or prosperity; conducive to good; salutary; sound; as, wholesome advice; wholesome doctrines; wholesome truths; wholesome laws.

    A wholesome tongue is a tree of life.
    --Prov. xv. 4.

    I can not . . . make you a wholesome answer; my wit's diseased.

    A wholesome suspicion began to be entertained.
    --Sir W. Scott.

  3. Sound; healthy. [Obs.]
    --Shak. [1913 Webster] -- Whole"some*ly, adv. -- Whole"some*ness, n.


n. The state of being wholesome.


n. the quality of being beneficial and generally good for you [ant: unwholesomeness]

Usage examples of "wholesomeness".

Eisenhower was president in those willfully innocent years, a convalescent tone prevailed, and a peculiarly aggressive style of wholesomeness was being celebrated as a national ideal, best exemplified in such demonstrations of folksy solidarity as the family dinner and the family outing.

In order to express them with counters, we need to divide Cakes in THREE different ways, with regard to newness, to niceness, and to wholesomeness.

There was a wholesomeness, a broadmindedness about her that instinctively drew one towards her.

But so far, no one had appeared in support of these day-dreams: the only girls he met at home were the approved daughters of his mother's friends, selected, it seemed to him, for their inherent wholesomeness, and his only feminine contact at Liverpool was a Wren in the Pay Office, who was much too interested in her career to spare any attention for a sub-lieutenant, and met his tentative advances with a smile as thin as his single stripe.

The gruel came and supplied a great deal to be said--much praise and many comments-- undoubting decision of its wholesomeness for every constitution, and pretty severe Philippics upon the many houses where it was never met with tolerable.