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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
whole note
▪ SongWright, the smallest note SongWright 5.1 will accept is one thirty-second of a whole note.
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Whole note

Whole \Whole\, a. [OE. hole, hol, hal, hool, AS. h[=a]l well, sound, healthy; akin to OFries. & OS. h?l, D. heel, G. heil, Icel. heill, Sw. hel whole, Dan. heel, Goth. hails well, sound, OIr. c?l augury. Cf. Hale, Hail to greet, Heal to cure, Health, Holy.]

  1. Containing the total amount, number, etc.; comprising all the parts; free from deficiency; all; total; entire; as, the whole earth; the whole solar system; the whole army; the whole nation. ``On their whole host I flew unarmed.''

    The whole race of mankind.

  2. Complete; entire; not defective or imperfect; not broken or fractured; unimpaired; uninjured; integral; as, a whole orange; the egg is whole; the vessel is whole.

    My life is yet whole in me.
    --2 Sam. i. 9.

  3. Possessing, or being in a state of, heath and soundness; healthy; sound; well.

    [She] findeth there her friends hole and sound.

    They that be whole need not a physician.
    --Matt. ix. 12.

    When Sir Lancelot's deadly hurt was whole.

    Whole blood. (Law of Descent) See under Blood, n., 2.

    Whole note (Mus.), the note which represents a note of longest duration in common use; a semibreve.

    Whole number (Math.), a number which is not a fraction or mixed number; an integer.

    Whole snipe (Zo["o]l.), the common snipe, as distinguished from the smaller jacksnipe. [Prov. Eng.]

    Syn: All; total; complete; entire; integral; undivided; uninjured; unimpaired; unbroken; healthy.

    Usage: Whole, Total, Entire, Complete. When we use the word whole, we refer to a thing as made up of parts, none of which are wanting; as, a whole week; a whole year; the whole creation. When we use the word total, we have reference to all as taken together, and forming a single totality; as, the total amount; the total income. When we speak of a thing as entire, we have no reference to parts at all, but regard the thing as an integer, i. e., continuous or unbroken; as, an entire year; entire prosperity. When we speak of a thing as complete, there is reference to some progress which results in a filling out to some end or object, or a perfected state with no deficiency; as, complete success; a complete victory.

    All the whole army stood agazed on him.

    One entire and perfect chrysolite.

    Lest total darkness should by night regain Her old possession, and extinguish life.

    So absolute she seems, And in herself complete.

whole note

n. (context music English) A semibreve, a musical note four beats long in 4/4 time.

whole note

n. a musical note having the longest time value (equal to four beats in common time) [syn: semibreve]

Whole note

thumb|right|250px|Figure 1. A whole note and a whole rest.

In music, a whole note (American) or semibreve (British) is a note represented by a hollow oval note head, like a half note (or minim), and no note stem (see Figure 1). Its length is equal to four beats in 4/4 time, that is the whole 4/4 measure (or bar). Most other notes are fractions of the whole note; half notes are played for one half the duration of the whole note, quarter notes (or crotchets) are each played for one quarter the duration, etc.

A whole note lasts half as long as a double whole note (or breve—hence the British name, semibreve), and twice as long as a half note, or minim. The symbol is first found in music notation from the late thirteenth century .

A related symbol is the whole rest (or semibreve rest), which usually denotes a silence for the same duration. Whole rests are drawn as filled-in rectangles generally hanging under the second line from the top of a musical staff, though they may occasionally be put under a different line in more complicated passages, such as when two instruments or vocalists are written on one staff, and one is temporarily silent.

Usage examples of "whole note".

It suddenly occurred to me how silly this whole note-writing business was.

Then Merelan sang the troublesome measures, deliberately shortening the full quality of one whole note.

One had to read the whole note to see that it was more than just a collection of banking instruc­.