contraction 1 (context informal English) who shall. 2 (context informal English) who will.
Usage examples of "who'll".
So now the problem is to find a couple of local dummies who'll take their baronages and go along with you after I leave.
It's going to be hard, my friends, worse than hard, because Vonahr is full of big, fat, rich bloodsuckers human leeches, the demons and their kind who'll stop at nothing to keep us down.
On the campuses, I'm usually lucky to find a handful of women who'll stand beside me in the name of equality and justice.
Indeed, you'll find some who'll tell you that the masons who built Spire Vanis owed as much to the old skills as they did to their chisels and lathes.
If I've no name as a knight, I'll be able to raise nothing but bumpkins and clodpoles who'll desert at the first sight of steel.
If I don't have a name, I'll be forced to march out with a raggedy-breeched bunch of bumpkins and clodpoles out of my own fields, who'll like as not take to their heels at the first sight of trained men-at-arms, and probably leave me no choice but to die on the spot for honor's sake, if not for other reasons.
And the first thing I was going to tell you was that on the fair world, the duskies don't have all the advantages or respect of the lights and darks, so you're probably going to meet people who'll be nasty to you on account of your color .
We'll use knives and before they even have time to bury you tonight I'm goin' to have your stooges kicked out and replaced with men who'll give us competent leadership instead of blunderin' authoritarianism.
Right before we put on our final expert, who'll testify about what constitutes reasonable care in a forceps delivery, I call the doc, the defendant, as an adverse witness, just to establish a couple things about the procedure.
I'll be in Baba Yaga Three to relay back to Gompert at base, who'll relay to HQ Earth.
I'm a British Army officer, I was on my way home from India, I was waylaid at Cape Town and crimped aboard a packet which arrived here yesterday, I'm destitute - but thanks to you I know where to find British authorities who'll help me back to England.
People like you and me, who'll agree in writing that if we're disabled or mortally wounded, our central nervous system—.
When this benighted hole finally introduces adequate sewerage in the poorer quarters, the number of laborers who'll die in the diggings can be predicted -- in round figures, to the nearest ten -- by any experienced actuary or civil engineer.
Poor Laura, who'll have to hold her head up now that her ex is marrying her former co-chair of the Garden Club.
Being so sociable, and, it's true, socially competitive, we residents draw lots to see who'll entertain for our out-of-town visitors at our reunions, and some of us arranged to meet at Tug Hill Park at four p.