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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Whitewash \White"wash`\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whitewashed; p. pr. & vb. n. Whitewashing.]

  1. To apply a white liquid composition to; to whiten with whitewash.

  2. To make white; to give a fair external appearance to; to clear from imputations or disgrace; hence, to clear (a bankrupt) from obligation to pay debts.

  3. In various games, to defeat (an opponent) so that he fails to score, or to reach a certain point in the game; to skunk. [Colloq., U. S.]

  4. to gloss over or cover up (crimes or misfeasance).

  1. 1 Of or pertaining to a fence or wall that has been painted with the temporary paint whitewash. 2 (context acting English) Portrayed by a Caucasian actor but was scripted to be African, Asian, or of another race. 3 (context pejorative English) Looking Caucasian, but is actually African, Asian, or of another race. v

  2. (en-past of: whitewash)


adj. coated with whitewash; "miles of whitewashed fences"

Usage examples of "whitewashed".

The palace had a feeling of great age but was well-kept, with whitewashed walls and handsome tile floors.

His expression grave, he dismounted to confer with the three generals who accompanied him into the whitewashed wooden fort.

He blinked them away and tilted his head back to look up at the castle keep: five splendid stories of whitewashed walls and multiple gleaming tiled roofs and gables that soared against the blue sky.

Once on the other side, he followed a circuitous stone passage that ran between parallel stone walls topped with continuous lines of whitewashed guardhouses.

Still more officials lingered outside the palace, a low, vast building with whitewashed plaster walls, dark wooden doors, beams, and window lattices, and a many-gabled roof of gleaming grey tile.

Splendid estates lined the roads, each surrounded by two-story barracks with whitewashed walls decorated with black tiles laid in diagonal patterns, and rows of barred windows.

Its thick, whitewashed earthen walls and heavy tile roof protected precious original documents from fire.

A half-flight of stone steps descended into a cavernous whitewashed kitchen.

The old stone hall had a vaulted ceiling, and whitewashed plaster walls hung with hundreds of horseshoes.

At the end of the street, beyond the last building, lay a grassy field bordered by a low whitewashed wall.

I arrived shortly after midnight and stood in the lee of the high whitewashed wall that enclosed his compound.

The floor was of polished black stone, scattered with fur rugs, and the walls, arches, and ceiling were whitewashed in gleaming contrast.

They arrived shortly thereafter at a Tolnedran hostel with thick, whitewashed walls and a red tile roof.

After a league or so, they came to a wide place in the road where a single whitewashed stone building, low and red-roofed, stood solidly at the roadside.

Window should have been fitted entirely in the workshop, colored glass laid into a sturdy lead frame on the surface of a whitewashed table.