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whisk broom

n. a small short-handled broom used to brush clothes [syn: whisk]

Usage examples of "whisk broom".

She had the same large, kind eyes, fringed with long, long lashes-but instead of the sleek hide of rippling black, she was a dark reddish-brown and fuzzy as a rabbit, with an absurd little whisk broom of a tail.

He stops in the kitchen for the box of large-size Baggies, a couple of wastebasket liners, a dustpan, and the whisk broom.

In the other she held a whisk broom, still done up in its see-through wrapping.

You could hear the crackle of the wrapping on the whisk broom as it brushed the floor.

The page turned and entered after him, probably to be on hand in case he required a whisk broom or hairbrush.

He could not help wondering what good it would do to try to resuscitate an unreal body, but none of it bore thinking about muchsuch mundane remedies in the middle of such chaos seemed like using a whisk broom to clean up a sandstorm.

He could not help wondering what good it would do to try to resuscitate an unreal body, but none of it bore thinking about much-such mundane remedies in the middle of such chaos seemed like using a whisk broom to clean up a sandstorm.

He started to swing, but I didn't bother about it, I picked up the one that had stopped my knee and just used him for a whisk broom and depended on speed and my 180 pounds.