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n. (plural of whippet English)

Usage examples of "whippets".

Later, following a pair of hard sacks, it was fourth and thirty, and Theresa scrambled and pumped faked twice, then broke downfield, one of the whippets catching her, throwing his hard little body at her belly.

Mistress Hilda herself chased off the two whippets curled up at the foot of the mattress.

She thought of crawling under the table, but the noble lady's whippets had hunkered down in a pack under the table and not only did they growl at her as she bent over to survey her chances, but they had made a stinking mess of the rushes underneath.

There was Cook, looking thinner and older, and an astounded Master Rodlin with a pair of sleek whippets at his heel.

The whippets lowered their heads, whining, and cowered behind the stable master, but Sorrow and Rage sat peaceably with their faithful gazes turned on Alain, waiting to see what he wanted them to do.

She reached the outer door to find a pair of drowsy whippets huddled at the feet of a snoring servant.

Servants on Colonial whippets brought up the rear, laughing and waving the repeater carbines in their hands.

And when he went down hard, his ball arm was extended, and Theresa bent and scooped the treasure out of his hand and dashed twenty meters before one of the whippets leveled her.