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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Whimsically \Whim"si*cal*ly\, adv. In a whimsical manner; freakishly.


adv. in a whimsical manner


adv. in a fanciful manner; "the Christmas tree was fancifully decorated" [syn: fancifully]

Usage examples of "whimsically".

And she realized suddenly that he had sensed the effort behind her eager scrutiny, even though his own eyes remained whimsically unreadable.

On other occasions she had noticed how his mind seemed to veer, whimsically, from one topic to another with little apparent continuity of thought, only to swing back again, just when she was beginning to feel that she had lost the thread of inference, to point his argument with parallels that were new and delightful wisdoms to her ears.

This trial, which terminated so whimsically, nevertheless proves that the best and the gravest institutions may become objects of ridicule when suddenly introduced into a country whose habits are not prepared to receive them.

He smiled whimsically, as a father does at a son who has for once gone beyond the strict bounds of moderation and looked upon the wine cup too often.

In this way they have whimsically designated, not merely individuals, but nations, and in their fondness for pushing a joke they have not spared even themselves.

He had been over the Hall in the course of the morning and whimsically described the family pictures as we walked.

Greg mused whimsically as the kids moved in on the Duo, two racing away for water and sponges.

Suddenly, the current of the Jamuna whimsically pushed the tree closer to the levee.

Vance, on the other hand, was volatile, debonair, and possessed of a perpetual Juvenalian cynicism, smiling ironically at the bitterest realities, and consistently fulfilling the role of a whimsically disinterested spectator of life.

It was an enterprising, swashbuckling sort of mouth, the mouth of one who would lead forlorn hopes with a jest or plot whimsically lawless conspiracies against convention.

For a time the puppy seemed freer than air, whimsically lithe, subatomic, superluminary, all spin and charm, while the dog moved on rails like a bull, pure momentum and mass, and forever subject to their laws.

This loss, however great, he bore like a man of sense and constancy, though it must be confest he would often talk a little whimsically on this head.

His striking figure—he was six feet, three inches in height, with a massive head—had become familiar not only through his appearances on the platform but through the caricatures of himself that he had whimsically introduced into many of his drawings in “Punch” and elsewhere.

It reminded me, I thought whimsically, of a cuddly toy I had owned long ago in the dreams or the play of my childhood.

If only, she ruminated tiredly, it would turn out to be as easy as convincing her newly pubescent daughter to drop the unsuitable and whimsically inappropriate forename Fitzwinkle.