The Collaborative International Dictionary
Whiggism \Whig"gism\, n. The principles of the Whigs.
n. Principles, philosophy, methods of a Whig.
Whiggism, sometimes spelled Whigism, is a historical political philosophy that grew out of the Parliamentarian faction in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms (1639-1651). The whigs' key policy positions were the supremacy of Parliament (as opposed to that of the king), tolerance of Protestant dissenters, and opposition to a Catholic (especially a Stuart) on the throne. After the huge success of the Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689, Whiggism dominated English and British politics until about 1760, although in practice it splintered into different factions. After 1760 the Whigs lost power, apart from sharing it in a few short-lived coalitions, but Whiggism fashioned itself into a generalized belief system that emphasized innovation and liberty and was strongly held by about half of the leading families in England and Scotland, as well as most merchants, Dissenters and professionals. The opposing Tory position was held by the other great families, the Church of England, and most of the landed gentry and officers of the army and the navy.
Whigs who opposed Walpole often called themselves "Old Whigs" and comprised part of the Country Party.
Whiggism referred originally to the Whigs of the British Isles, but in its "Old Whig" form was largely adopted by the American Patriots in the Thirteen Colonies. American Whiggism was known as republicanism.
One meaning of 'whiggism' given by the Oxford English Dictionary is "moderate or antiquated Liberalism".
Usage examples of "whiggism".
A hundred years passed before Whiggism assumed the universal and scientific character.
In that night of unreflecting Toryism, a small band of men, chiefly connected with the law in Edinburgh, stood out in a profession of Whiggism, to the forfeiture of all chance of government patronage, and even of much of the confidence and esteem of society.
The pronounced Whiggism of that critique led to an open rupture with the Tory contributors.
Chatham enlarged greatly upon this glorious spirit of Whiggism displayed on both sides of the Atlantic, asserting that it would finally compel the ministers not only to abandon their present measures and principles, however many noses they might count on a division, but to hide their heads in shame.
In spite of his Whiggism, he was respectable enough to be made colonel of his regiment and an aide-de-camp to the King.
The reform of the municipal corporations of England is a covert attack on the authority of the English gentry,-that great body which perhaps forms the most substantial existing obstacle to the perpetuation of Whiggism in power.