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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wheeze \Wheeze\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Wheezed; p. pr. & vb. n. Wheezing.] [OE. whesen, AS. hw[=e]san (cf. Icel. hv[ae]sa to hiss, Sw. hv["a]sa, Dan. hv[ae]se); akin to AS. hw[=o]sta a cough, D. hoest, G. husten, OHG. huosto, Icel. h[=o]sti, Lith. kosti to cough, Skr. k[=a]s. [root]43. Cf. Husky hoarse.] To breathe hard, and with an audible piping or whistling sound, as persons affected with asthm

  1. ``Wheezing lungs.''


vb. (en-past of: wheeze)

Usage examples of "wheezed".

Hannas,” he wheezed, “now I must have your order for a thousand blue chips.

The sleeper wheezed on, oblivious, until Helva chuckled at this additional evidence of human frailty.

For a moment Harmon looked startled, then he chuckled and wheezed with amusement.

I closed my eyes and wheezed until my head began to slow down a little.

My trusty steed wheezed and groaned a few times, but the engine turned over with an apologetic cough and the car rattled to life.

He blinked curiously at Jack and then turning to the slave wheezed good naturedly, "Well, well!

She wheezed heavily for a moment, leaning against the cabin wall, her face red and sweating below her coolie hat.

He barked quite piteously as he nosed around Louise’s feet, his tongue lolling out as he wheezed heavily.

Little flecks of blood splattered Al’s suit jacket as he wheezed painfully.

Peering at him with his one visible eye he wheezed, “Not a pretty sight, eh?