n. a vehicle that moves on wheels and usually has a container for transporting things or people; "the oldest known wheeled vehicles were found in Sumer and Syria and date from around 3500 BC"
Usage examples of "wheeled vehicle".
The driver had stopped his three-wheeled vehicle as directed, in front of a largish red-painted house.
Magnan broke off as a cargo port rumbled open and a heavy six-wheeled vehicle churned out.
I was on or in some kind of wheeled vehicle then, after a while I heard waves breaking on the shore.
It was actually a wheeled vehicle, but nobody was being particular.
Suddenly, there was the high grating sound of a golf cart's horn as a three-wheeled vehicle appeared over the incline from the sixteenth fairway going as fast as it could go.
It hightailed it back to its barrel-wheeled vehicle and drove out of town.
A four-wheeled vehicle pulled across the intersection, blocking the only way for the Cinnabars to get out.
The jeep could follow where air cushions had taken the Slammers, but the wheeled vehicle’.
The wheeled vehicle shrank back on its suspension as the sidedraft from the plenum chamber buffeted it, but metal didnt touch bloody metal!
The wheeled vehicle shrank back on its suspension as the sidedraft from the plenum chamber buffeted it, but metal didn't touch bloody metal!
An eight-wheeled vehicle stood on the verge of departure across the neck of Kislovan.
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the large, wheeled vehicle that had been tracking him within the reservoir moving through theexit point to the outside.