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Wheatstone may refer to:

  • Cape Wheatstone, in Antarctica
  • Charles Wheatstone (1802–1875), a British scientist and inventor, eponymous for Wheatstone bridge
  • Cooke and Wheatstone Telegraph
  • Wheatstone, New Zealand, a locality in the Canterbury region
  • Wheatstone Glacier, in Antarctica
  • Wheatstone LNG
  • Wheatstone bridge, a measuring instrument in electricity

Usage examples of "wheatstone".

Wheatstone, that although I have followed the problems at a general administrative level, my duties as director of Sky City and chief implementor of the space shield program prevent the day-to-day detailed involvement that Hyslop, as my assistant, has been able to enjoy.

Jeff Kramer was at his desk, filling in a report form about that domestic homicide, when Wheatstone brought in the two valises, a black one jammed under his arm, a brown one dragging down his hand.

Wheatstone, I've heard of the Argos Group, but I don't know anybody in it.

When the Under Secretary protested that the system was too complicated, Wheatstone volunteered to show that three out of four boys from the nearest elementary school could be taught it in 15 minutes.

So I got over the counter to a table behind a wire-gauze, and went over the Morse alphabet in my mind before touching the Wheatstone drop-handle, never asking myself who was to answer my message, habit being still strong upon me, and my mind dodged from reasoning from what I saw to what I did not see.

Cooke and Charles Wheatstone, installed a practical deflecting needle telegraph along a railway line in England in 1837.

Some measurements with a Wheatstone Bridge, a capacity test gauge and a calibrated synchronous motor.

Measuring resistance was done by use of a device called a Wheatstone bridge.

Use of the Wheatstone bridge relies on achieving a null current with the highest attainable level of precision, and for this purpose, no instrument on earth was better suited than the Kelvin mirror galvanometer.

Locating a mid-ocean fault in a cable therefore was reduced to a problem of twiddling the dials on the Wheatstone bridge until the galvanometer's spot of light was centered on the zero mark.

The Wheatstone Bridge, the time control, all other instruments….

You can't locate the kind of a tap we put on that telephone line with a Wheatstone bridge gadget like they use to spot breaks and grounds.