Crossword clues for westerns
n. (plural of western English)
Pete Yorn's Westerns EP was available during his Summer 2006 "You & Me" Acoustic Tour (both in-store performances and concerts), as well as some locations for the subsequent Nightcrawler tour.
Usage examples of "westerns".
But Bret Harte, who also did a great deal to establish the formula used in Westerns to this day, was a master of generic conventions and a skilled editor and literary critic.
CHAPTER SIX Westerns As long as the American public looks upon the history of the Old West as a romantic and nostalgic era, there will be a market for the Western novel, and this means the marketplace should be open for a good many decades to come.
Few hardback houses besides Doubleday publish a large yearly list of Westerns, because there simply is not a large high-price audience for the form.
Advances on Westerns often average below what is paid for other kinds of category novels, unless you have an agent forceful enough to demand standard advances.
It would be impossible to estimate how much money the many westerns by Max Brand (originally the pseudonym of Frederick Faust [1892-19441) have produced for their publishers, though we could safely say the figure runs into the millions.
Most Westerns begin with a carefully delineated hero and an equally obvious villain.
Racial Westerns in which the Indians or the Mexicans are portrayed as mindless savages are taboo.
Just a final note to assure the potential Western writer who is a woman that not all Westerns are written by men, though most publishers insist that women who write Westerns assume a male pen name or at least use only the initials of their first and middle names.
The new writer will receive from $1,500 to $2,000, unless he is writing Westerns, in which case the advances are always somewhat lower.
Heinie Faust (under the pseudonym Max Brand) produced hundreds of Westerns in his career and sold millions of copies of his work, by writing only two hours a day.
Paperback and hardcover minimums are usually 55,000 or 60,000 words, though Westerns average ten percent below this.
I was writing Westerns at the time, and I thought, I could drop a cowboy into this place and get away with it.
He wrote several screenplays with Mary Loos and others, ranging from Westerns to sports sagas to suspense yarns.
My agent's trying to work out a deal with one of them now—a series of heavy-breathing adult Westerns at three grand a crack.
He had a deal pending to do some Adult porno Westerns, but it fell through.