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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Western empire

Western \West"ern\, a.

  1. Of or pertaining to the west; situated in the west, or in the region nearly in the direction of west; being in that quarter where the sun sets; as, the western shore of France; the western ocean.

    Far o'er the glowing western main.

  2. Moving toward the west; as, a ship makes a western course; coming from the west; as, a western breeze.

    Western Church. See Latin Church, under Latin.

    Western empire (Hist.), the western portion of the Roman empire, as divided, by the will of Theodosius the Great, between his sons Honorius and Arcadius, a. d. 395.

Usage examples of "western empire".

Two thirds of the Western empire of Rome were subject to Charlemagne, and the deficiency was amply supplied by his command of the inaccessible or invincible nations of Germany.

He had hopes of making Kavelin a base from which he could establish a western empire.

He hoped, Theodora knew, to gain orthodox approval for his projected reconquest of the western Empire.

No western empire could possibly muster such a force on a field of battle.

They had destroyed the great western empire, but the eastern part, being off the main route of the great migrations, had managed to survive and feebly continued the traditions of Rome's ancient glory.

His utmost political imagination carried him to a belated and tawdry attempt to restore the Western Empire.

But Nemedia the western empire had never been able to subdue, although the latter's triumphs were of the defensive sort, and were generally attained with the aid of Hyperborean armies.

Every official they met proved deeply suspicious of outsiders from the broken remnants of the western empire&mdash.

But Nemedia the western empire had never been able to subdue, although the latter’.