Werth may refer to:
- 13559 Werth, Main-belt Asteroid
Usage examples of "werth".
Seitdem vor allen Roscher, Hildebrand und Knies den Werth, die Berechtigung und die Nothwendigkeit derselben unwiderleglich dargethan, hat sich immer allgemeiner der Gedanke Bahn gebrochen, dass diese Wissenschaft, die bis dahin nur auf die Gegenwart, auf die Erkenntniss der bestehenden Verhaltnisse und die in ihnen sichtbaren Gesetze den Blick gerichtet hatte, auch in die Vergangenheit, in die Erforschung der bereits hinter uns liegenden wirthschaftlichen Entwicklung der Volker sich vertiefen musse.
It was an open secret that General Henrik Werth, Chief of Staff of the Hungarian General Staff, and our Ambassador to Berlin, Dome Sztojai, had submitted several memorandums whlch stated their opinions on Hungarian participation in the German moves.
The Regent removed, in the beginning of September, the Chief of Staff, General Werth, from his position and nominated to his place Major General Ferenc Szombathelyi, the commanding officer of the Hungarian Expeditionary Army at the front.
Regent felt that the ever increasing military requests of Werth were largely exaggerated.
Detective Sergeant Bill Werth and Forristall and Reeves, met with Thomas Brown early the next day.
General Werth of the cavalry had gone over to the emperor and was trying to breathe new life into the war.
Grayder was there with Shelton, Hame, Navigators Adam-son, Werth and Yates and, of course, His Excellency.
Grayder was there with Shelton and Hame, also Chief Navigators Adamson, Werth and Yates, and, of course, His Excellency.
Die Freiheit hat nur Werth, ja sie ist erst dann vorhanden, wenn auch der Mensch zu leben hat, und diesen Lebensunterhalt garantirt die Zivilisation nicht.
The initiative was, however, wrested from him by the Hungarian General Staff, whose chief, General Werth, himself of German origin, made his own arrangements with the German High Command behind the back of the Hungarian Government.
Muse and Schmooze critique group members: Shawn Downs, Laurie Edwards, Julie Good, Lisa Hess, Anne Kline, Steve Klotz, Maggie Martz, Lori Myers, Kim Stanford, Jackie Werth, Michael Wertz, Judy Wolfman and Nancy Yeager.
Tracy,” Werth said, “I’ve been back and forth on the phone all afternoon with the police in Shippensburg and with the county sheriff’s office up there.