Crossword clues for werne
Werne is a town in the Federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia in the Unna district in Germany. It is located on the southern edge of the Münsterland region near the Ruhrgebiet. The population of Werne is about 32,000.
Usage examples of "werne".
For we had now reached the immense shallow lake that Werne has since described, and the scenery had become flat and monotonous, as if in sympathy with the low, marshy place to which my mind had been driven.
Ho bede hit hym ful bysily, and he hir bode wernes, And swere swyfte by his sothe that he hit sese nolde, And ho sore that he forsoke, and sayde therafter, "If 3e renay my rynk, to ryche for hit seme3, Yghe wolde not so hy3ly halden be to me, I schal gif yow my girdel, that gaynes yow lasse.