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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Welter \Wel"ter\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Weltered; p. pr. & vb. n. Weltering.] [Freq. of OE. walten to roll over, AS. wealtan; akin to LG. weltern, G. walzen to roll, to waltz, sich w["a]lzen to welter, OHG. walzan to roll, Icel. velta, Dan. v[ae]lte, Sw. v["a]ltra, v["a]lta; cf. Goth. waltjan; probably akin to E. wallow, well, v. i. [root]146. See Well, v. i., and cf. Waltz.]

  1. To roll, as the body of an animal; to tumble about, especially in anything foul or defiling; to wallow.

    When we welter in pleasures and idleness, then we eat and drink with drunkards.

    These wizards welter in wealth's waves.

    He must not float upon his watery bier Unwept, and welter to the parching wind, Without the meed of some melodious tear.

    The priests at the altar . . . weltering in their blood.

  2. To rise and fall, as waves; to tumble over, as billows. ``The weltering waves.''

    Waves that, hardly weltering, die away.

    Through this blindly weltering sea.


n. The motion of something that welters; a billowing. vb. (present participle of welter English)