Crossword clues for welladay
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Welladay \Well"a*day\, interj. [Corrupted from wela way.]
Alas! Welaway!
interj. (form of variant form wellaway English); Alas.
Usage examples of "welladay".
It is a matter of observable fact that Welladay has twice as many teeth as anyone else, all of enormous size.
Justice Welladay, the thought of his having quite such a detailed knowledge of what I had previously regarded as my private life may indeed be a trifle disconcerting.
Sir Arthur Welladay had power, in certain circumstances, to send Cantrip to prison seemed to Basil to be beyond dispute.
Did you ever happen, by any chance, to combine your teasing of the Revenue with your teasing of Sir Arthur Welladay by making him the default beneficiary under such a settlement?
I say that Sir Arthur Welladay impressed me as a person of almost unshakable integrity, you may perhaps be reluctant to rely on the impressions of a person so naive and inexperienced as myself.
Though I myself had every confidence that Sir Arthur Welladay had told me the truth, I had been obliged to admit that his account of his movements on the previous Monday night did not, strictly speaking, provide him with what is termed an alibi.
The shards and lava plateaus of its slopes were like a galactic-sized crown, thrown down just above the equator of Welladay in the shallow meadows of the western seas.
A meek man, he was not suited to a blustery, stormy world like Welladay, even if affairs proceeded nor mally.