Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Usage examples of "well-paid".
Going straight, moving out of the shadows into the bright lights of the legal world, the legal nets, would be difficult: they, none of them, had the corporate connections to become the sort of consultant that would let them go on paying their bills, and none of the other jobs that were open to freelancers were particularly challenging, or particularly well-paid.
I remind you, Reichert, that the lady in question was suggested by her own brother and was well-paid for her participation?
Lurking behind the canvases is his suit-a relic from days when well-paid lectureships were easily available, the fashion was for narrow lapels and no turn-ups, and he had a tax rebate to spend.
It was too early for the crowd, but bricklayers and their families, laden with huge lunch-baskets and armfuls of babies, were already going in--a healthy, husky race of workmen, well-paid and robustly fed.
This is the well-paid elite of the transient construction industry that is getting fat on Federal projects that more and more Western states are coming to view as economic necessities.
For the last two years she had held a well-paid position as executive secretary to the director of Vaduz Exporters, in nearby Bethesda, Maryland.
And when horny, well-paid American flyboys are dropped into a culture defined half by cannibals and half by Frenchmen, you get a hell of a civilian economy.
All three men in this office had joked about hiring a gypsy or two and observed, rightly, that it would have produced results no less accurate than they got from well-paid professional intelligence officers.
Leavey currently had a managerial position with a GM auto parts manufacturer in Lockport, New York, a well-paid job as he described it.
Depending on how well he did in his Problematics courses – Applied Logic, Applied Rhetoric, Medical Ethics and Terminology, Applied Semantics, Relativistics and Advanced Mischaracterization, Comparative Cultural Psychology, and the rest – he’d have a choice between well-paid window-dressing for a big Corp or flimsy cut-rate stuff for a borderline one.
They were watching a football match being played on green grass somewhere, a contest between well-paid professionals in one of the commercial sports-ground Neverlands that only existed on broadcasts.
Who ever heard of Fostum Sahib, or Yankling Sahib, or even the little Peel Sahib that sits up of nights to shoot serow - I say, who, ever heard of these Sahibs coming into the hills without a down-country cook, and a bearer, and - and all manner of well-paid, high-handed and oppressive folk in their tail?
Maybe she, being smart as kithfolk usually were, could get a well-paid position in a guild or in the vicarial bureaucracy.
The republic's chief weather forecaster resigned his well-paid hereditary post, so distasteful had his work of predicting disaster become to him.