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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a well-oiled machine
▪ If you're trained correctly you become like a well-oiled machine.
▪ It was running like a well-oiled machine, instead of like a slightly out-of-control summer camp.
▪ This could never happen in the Bush operation, which has been turning out policy positions like a well-oiled machine.
▪ A whitewashed verandah contained bags of wheat and well-oiled harnesses.
▪ But there was nothing laconic about his mind, which was known to tick over like a well-oiled clock.
▪ He might say Don't you think having a well-oiled rifle is more important?
▪ He was a handsome young guy with a head of well-oiled reddish hair.
▪ The heavy ornate kitchen door swung silently open on well-oiled hinges.
▪ This could never happen in the Bush operation, which has been turning out policy positions like a well-oiled machine.
▪ You must also buy three large tubes of silicone and a well-oiled silicone gun.

a. (context idiomatic English) efficient, efficiently run

Usage examples of "well-oiled".

I relished the sting of a line-drive into well-oiled leather, the inexorable trajectory of a flyball as it plummeted toward a waiting glove.

More than five hundred matriarchal clans dwelled in the city, filling broad piazzas and clamoring market avenues with contingents of finely dressed, elaborately coiffed, magnificently uniformed clones, their burdens carried on well-oiled carts or the backs of patient lugars in liveried tunics.

Elvish sounded like a command, and like a well-oiled military unit the remaining nine drew and nocked their bows in one motion.

From a tin box on whose cover fading blue asters had been painted Amarante then removed a well-oiled revolver, an old, very heavy Colt Peacemaker.

From well-oiled leather cases they drew the bows that were their most valued possessions, weapons from the hand of Mintert Reusing, the acknowledged master of the bowmaker's trade.

They did not hear the well-oiled hinges of the shutters covering a window above them, and by the time they heard the contrabasso thrrruuumm of the crossbow, its thick, stubby bolt had torn through the back and the front of a mail hauberk and the thickness of the body between them, then sped on to penetrate yet one more layer of mail and lodge finally in the hipbone of that man-at-arms.

After that initial breakthrough, the anal sphincter gave up and the rest of the incubus's well-oiled organ slammed in to its full length and depth.

His skin had the color and texture of a well-oiled catcher's mitt.

The beasts moved like well-oiled machines, but they, too, bumped the fence and vanished like flash paper in a candle's flame.

In those happy Beatle days, the miniskirt had an innocence and a larkiness to it that seem lost in our Age of Less Innocence, with its crotch-grabbing singers and in-your-face jeans and well-oiled glutei maximi.

O'Hara, Pascal, Karlstad, and Muzorawa worked together like a smooth, well-oiled machine.

Sundevil was proof that the Secret Service and its local law-enforcement allies could act like a well-oiled machine--(despite the hampering use of those scrambled phones).

In Borneo it is the custom among the women to roll up Jasmine blossoms in their well-oiled hair at night.

And for all the simplicity of it, it had a real scariness to it: the submission of the kneeling victims, the way their well-oiled bodies had become mere objects as they passed before the crowd.

I eased open the well-oiled -- shark-liver oil, no doubt -- door and passed inside.