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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a well-deserved reputation
▪ Ronaldo’s performances earned him a deserved reputation as a terrific footballer.
a well-earned/well-deserved rest (=a rest after working hard)
▪ Our players are taking a well-earned rest before the start of the new season.
▪ He has a well-deserved reputation as a reliable worker.

Usage examples of "well-deserved".

His demeanor was not that of a frightened man, but rather a man who felt the Italians must be given a well-deserved fright.

The film in which Lotte Hartmann, the girl who had given me a well-deserved dose of drip, had been given a part.

Certain that the captive terrorists could tell us all the names we wanted, I decided to give Muong the well-deserved Third Degree.

The Rebels broke for a well-deserved rest while trucks ran the burning and rubbled streets bringing in backpack flamethrowers for the troops and mix for the tanks.

There might be a few tests, yes, but after suitable decontamination and quarantine, and no doubt tedious debriefing, they would be sent home on well-deserved furlough, then reassigned.

My brother, sitting down with his head between his hands, and obliged to listen in silence to this long catalogue of well-deserved reproaches, gave something of a comic element to the scene.

There they would be served by angels, allowing their wives, daughters, and other female relatives a well-deserved rest in a separate heaven of their own (as the commentaries on the covenants made clear) where they could flutter on bright wings among the celestial flowers.

He, Benito, had a fairly well-deserved reputation for being a thief and trouble, and a pack follower of the assassin Caesare Aldanto, until almost the last.

During the Indian occupation of Cahokia this band had gained a well-deserved reputation for mischief.

It was so good to be beside him, to hear his cheery voice, to watch that good-humoured twinkle in his blue eyes, as he stretched out his strong arms, in longing for that foe, and anticipation of his well-deserved punishment.

Sean just didn't see either Torkel Fiske or Matthew Luzon forgetting the indignities both had suffered on Petaybee, well-deserved though they had been.

The good Chief has sworn that no stone will be left unturned, no nook or cranny in which the desperate outlaw murderer might hide will be overlooked, until the bloodthirsty fiend who perpetrated the foul misdeed has been brought before the Bar of Justice, where he is expected to be sentenced to a well-deserved hanging.

We'd won, and were now entitled to a well-deserved peace dividend.

I wanted to find my man, put paid to him, and ride back to the Golden City so that I could take some well-deserved rest.

When he was finally finished, a small shot of neocain and a large ron lacked me off to dreamland for some well-deserved rest.